小周周 » 查看日志 » DIY一个次声波发声器的方法
时间:2024-8-18 10:14 Sunday | 作者:小周周 | 分类:手工制作








使用的是低音扬声器,12 功率40Wpvc管的直径最好和扬声器统一口径。







    Ever been to a paranormal infested area? Relax… you don’t actually need to bethere. The simple infrasound generator circuit explained here should be able togenerate similar spine-chilling effects right in your house!


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    We know that sound is nothing but oscillations generated in the air. Bycreating disturbance in the air at certain frequencies we are able to create anaudible noise. The frequencies that may be audible to different beings aredifferent. For example humans are able to hear frequencies between 50 Hz and20000 kHz comfortably. Hearing becomes obscure once the frequency shifts awayfrom the above range. However frequencies below 50 Hz especially around 15 Hzare found to be quite unique and intriguing with their features. The soundfalling in this range is termed as infrasound. Amazingly humans subjected tothese frequencies often complain of unexplainable uneasiness and a chillingexperience. Areas infested with ghosts and paranormal activities have been alsoseen to be carrying these infrasound vibrations.In another classic example, it has been witnessed that in jungles,carnivorous beasts like tigers and lions are able to generate sounds atinfrasound levels. Herbivorous animals are able to sense these signalsespecially when these carnivorous animals are too close to them. The generatedinfrasound vibrations produce serious impact over these poor herbivorous animals– they freeze with fear and are just not able to move an inch. This makes themlike sitting ducks and they are instantly grabbed by the deadly beasts.
    A simple idea for generating infrasound artificiallyis described in this article. Although the applications of this project arequite insignificant, you may use it to create vibrations in a closed premise,invite your friends there and study their reaction under the generated creepy environment. Don’t worry- it’s not dangerous.

    The secret behind generating effective infrasound is creating a sort of“pumping” action over an enclosed volume of air at the specified frequency. Tobe precise the air volume needs to be resonated at the specified frequency. Thisis best done by channelizing the sound waves through pipes or narrow columnsbefore throwing it into the room.The figure alongside shows a circuit basicallycomprised of an amplifier with the required loudspeaker set-up. The chip TDA1521 used here consists of two discrete amplifier modules in one package and isable to produce a good 12-watts of audio power from each channel – quite enoughfor the present application.However the amplifier needs to be fed with a frequency input for it toreproduce them over the attached speakers.Many simple oscillator circuits have already beendiscussed here at Bright Hub, so you may choose any one of them to generate andfeed the specified frequency of around 15 Hz to the above amplifier inputs. Theinformation regarding various oscillator circuits are provided at the end of this article.The speakers used are specifically “woofers” to enable the handling of theproduced low frequencies (infra-level) efficiently. Preferably use 12-inchmodels with 40 watts of power handling capacity. The pipes also need to be ofthe same diameter.The diagram also shows the speakers snugly fitted within hollow, flexible PVCpipes (with corrugated walls).Switching ON the system will instantly start the generation of the vibrationsat infrasound levels and if the volumes are kept sufficiently high, you willfind the nearby objects also vibrating and falling down of the shelf quiteweirdly - the vibrations being totally “invisible.”If you position yourself in front of the speakers of this infrasoundgenerator, the impact will be immediately felt – uneasiness and an inexplicable“chill in the spine.”
    The above shown simple oscillator circuit can be built for feeding the infrasound amplifier circuit. It utilizes the famous IC 555 in its most common mode,i.e. in the astable multivibrator mode. The upper resistor value may be tweakeda bit to get any desired value between 10 to 20 Hz at the output, so that mostsuitable infra sound effect becomes obtainable at the speaker channels.

